evaluate and to provide them with feedback.
I am providing you with the information that I gave teachers during our opening week. You'll notice that I ask for a self-reflection piece, but I don't tell them what it should look like. This was on purpose, I want them to develop something that is effective and meaningful to themselves, not me. (Yup, differentiation for teachers!)
You'll also notice that I let them know of my future plans for this videos. I want my early adopters to take this and run with it! For everyone else, I want to plant seeds that will grow over the year and sprout when we return next year and expand the use of videotaped lessons.
I completely admit to borrowing this videotape idea and adapting it to fit my needs from the National Board Certified Teacher program!
Teachers: Videotaping a Lesson
“Knowledge is power, but knowledge about oneself is the greatest power of all”
All teachers!
Who is going to see my video?
Don’t worry, only YOU and either Nancy or Phil will be viewing the video. (For now?) In the future we imagine a video library of highly effective teaching/lessons that Norge teachers could call upon at a moments notice. (If you are feeling bold, these videos would be great to show and discuss during team meetings.)
Don’t we need parent permission? What about students that can’t be photographed/videotaped?
No, an employee of a school district is not required to obtain the consent from a child's parent to make a videotape of a child IF that purpose is related to regular classroom instruction, and if only school personnel with a legitimate educational interest will view the videotape.
How many videos?
What will it look like?
A. Videotape the lesson using a camcorder/flip camera of your choice. (make sure to wear your microphone) Next, Watch the video straight through without stopping. Keep the following in mind!
“During these first viewings, be prepared for a dose of "video-induced despair" (Krupnick, 1987), a common ailment brought about by the visual distortions of the medium. Most people tend to notice their voice, appearance, gestures, and mannerisms --Do I really sound like that? Is my hair always this disheveled? Why didn't I notice that my shirt was untucked? It is important to realize that these details are exaggerated on tape and are far less noticeable and distracting in real life. In any case, a wrinkled blouse or a crooked tie has nothing to do with effective teaching. (Source: Krupnick, 1987)”
B. The second and/or third time through, watch the video stopping frequently to jot down, notes, thoughts, and ideas for future lessons.
C. Provide a copy of your video and a reflection of your lesson to Nancy or Phil.
D. Either Nancy or Phil will watch the video and will set up a time to watch highlights of the video together and to compare notes
E. Remember we are in this together! The videotape will not be used as part of the official evaluation process, but as a method to provide individualized feedback that is meaningful to YOU!
- What are the specific things I did well?
- What are the specific things I could have done better?
- What form did my questions take?
- Did you allow sufficient time between questions for students to respond?
- Who is doing the work in your classroom?
- What do you notice about your direction-giving strategies and management techniques?
- What were your goals for this lesson? Did you achieve them? Why or why not? What did you particularly like about the lesson? What would you change?
- What do you think about your students’ involvement in this lesson? Were you interested as well as interesting? If yes, how did you demonstrate your interest?
- In what ways did you try to make learning relevant to the students- connecting learning to their lives?
- If asked by a student "Why are we doing this?" How would you answer?
- What did you notice about your transitions, how did you move from one activity to another or move students from one place to another?
- If you were a student in this class would you have been interested? Why or why not?
- What other ways might you have presented the same material? What other ways might you have engaged students in activities?
- Did you use technology successfully?
- How did you differentiate the activity for your students
- If I could do this session over again, what three things would I change?
This list is not all-inclusive!
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